Managing a Freight Company: Imroj Singh Shares Best Practices

Imroj Singh
5 min readFeb 12, 2021


Managing a freight company comes with high stakes. There are many aspects of operating such a business: Maintaining your shipping vehicles, making sure that the cargo is intact, as well as understanding the details from the starting point towards the destination. With this in mind, it is important that management leaders live up to what it takes to make such operations successful.

Director of Operations Imroj Singh at Golden Mile Enterprises Inc knows how it’s like to be in a cutthroat industry of freight management. The best practices for operating a shipping and logistics business have continuously changed over time along with how technology is evolving.

In this article, we will be looking into the insights of Imroj Singh about the ins and outs of managing a freight company.

Running A Freight Management Company: Things To Remember

Cloud-based and electronics-based recording systems

Logistics is all about making the process as streamlined as possible. The conventional way of logging data in a freight company is using paper documents, logbooks, or boards that help the team keep track.

The problem with this recording system is it’s very challenging to be 100% accurate and streamlined. When a document or logbook goes missing, everything can go haywire. This is also one of the reasons why Director of Operations Imroj Singh places a high priority on applying technology in daily management. He suggests that you can use some digital tools to aggregate information such as:

  • Information Management Platforms: There are now digital tools available so that shipping and logistics company team players can relay information, process payments, and track deliveries. These digital information management platforms update in real-time and are integrated with several tools such as GPS and payment processing applications. Many of these operations are within a cloud-based system, so data overload will not be a large hurdle.
  • Tech-based Communication: There are so many free and paid communication platforms that businesses can use such as Zoom, Skype, and Google Meet. If there are decision-making steps that need to be taken, tech-based communication is important in a business to have limitless access. Alternatively, there are also business management platforms that have built-in communication systems.
  • Specialized Programs: There are also specialized applications that can help bring your freight business forward. These can include online marketing, online logistics, financial planning, or data storage specifically created for freight companies. With due research, you can find a useful program that will suit your needs.

Collaborative operations for carrier and shipper

Another crucial practice that can improve a freight company’s performance is collaborative operations between the carrier and the shipper. The carrier is somewhat the “middle transportation” between the source and the shipper, and the shipper is those who deal with the specific clients.

Having a coordinated team within the carriers and the shippers ensures that parcels and documents will arrive on time. Usually, it’s the carrier that knows what date each package will arrive, and they determine the costs of transporting items. When carriers have direct communication with the shipment team, there are going to be fewer delays in the arrival of items for the buyers.

Some ways to improve collaboration between carriers and shippers include:

  • Using a tracking device: A common program that both parties can use to track where the carrier is so shippers can pick up the items.
  • Direct communication: Some smaller companies prefer direct communication especially for fewer clients with bulk orders.
  • Point persons: Collaboration through key persons can also drastically improve the efficiency between carriers and shippers. For example, a team leader on the carrier side can relay information of when and where the items will be dropped off for shipping.

Precision on shipping quotes

Shipping quotes are a large determinant of a freight forwarder’s financial success. It is very taxing for key persons to go back and forth with emails when trying to create a specific quote for every client. Sometimes, dates, quantity, and even modes of transportation can change.

A great way to solve this issue according to Imroj Singh is to use API programs. APIs, otherwise called Application Programming Interface, are tools that can be integrated with affiliated partners such as USPS or any other forwarding company. This way, you can consider any quotation with high accuracy, and also offset any extra costs which can be a loss at your end.

Utilizing training resources

Training your team is also a great investment when it comes to the freight industry. Since processes are constantly evolving especially with the development of technology.

Freight companies can train their staff in these areas:

  • Software handling: If there is a new program that needs to be mastered in terms of operations, people responsible for these areas can have ongoing or specialized training.
  • Safety and parcel handling: Workers can also be trained on new methods to handle parcels and equipment safely and efficiently. This type of training can be done when some protocols change due to equipment or system upgrades. It also keeps employees safe and free from occupational hazards.
  • Management training: Aside from the side of business operations, it could also help to train those from the leadership team regarding the forward-facing issues in a freight company. Seeing opportunities, looking out for ways to bring robust operations, and handling healthy company growth are some topics that any management team can work on.

Managing Your Freight Company: Your Keys To Success

As with any other business, embracing development and adapting to changes are key to success. By keeping in mind these specific areas of improvement, freight companies can pave their way towards the present and future growth.

Originally published at on February 12, 2021.



Imroj Singh

Director of Operations, Golden Mile Enterprises, Inc.